I started coming down with something on Thursday and by Saturday I was miserable and didn't see any way that I would make it to church the next day, so I asked Ryan if he would be willing to teach my Primary class for me (I teach the 5 and 6 year olds). I know he wasn't thrilled to do it, but he's such a great husband that he agreed to do it.
When he got home from church, I asked him how it went and he just gave me this look and said "I don't know how you do it every week." I just laughed as he told me about the lesson and how there were only three kids, but they all wanted to talk. Apparently the lesson started with something to the effect of "image you have a pet", which got them all joining in with "I have a puppy", "I don't have a puppy", "I had a fish, but he died", etc.
I'm pretty sure the word "monsters" was used in Ryan's description of these adorable children and he even made the comment that he would rather teach Elder's quorum, but I'm so grateful that he was willing to teach them for me. You're the best, honey!
12 years ago
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