A Visit to Legoland

We were invited down to Legoland for a special "Friends and Family" after-hours premiere night of a new section of the park by our friend Gary, a Master Model Builder who I knew for a few years preceding this lofty calling. The theme of the new area is Adventurers, and featured an Egyptian adventure theme complete with pyramids and camels.

Carter meets a camel.

At the park entrance. Unfortunately because of the late hour the giant LEGOLAND sign behind us wasn't lit up.

We stayed that night at Gary and his wife's home, and there experienced a whole other kind of Legoland. Even though I've seen it before, sleeping under the watchful eye of all that brick was surreal.

This is just one of the walls covered in Lego shelves and bins.

Katie is just glad my collection isn't this huge (yet!)


Lauren March 13, 2008 at 1:30 PM  

Oh my gosh, Carter makes the best expressions ever!!!