Adorable Carter

We know everyone loves Carter pictures, so here are some more recent ones. He's getting so big and is now sitting up like a pro!

Carter looks so cute in the blanket Lauren made for me a couple Christmases (is that a word?) ago.

Carter likes to hold his bottle all by himself, which means a good 5 minutes for Mom to get some work done.

Big smile!

Carter's workspace. I'm taking this picture standing behind my desk, so he gets to be very close to Mommy all day.

My sister sent me a bunch of her boys' baby clothes and Carter is starting to grow into them. The overalls he's wearing used to be Chase's and he's 7.


kbradley August 21, 2008 at 1:44 PM  

Carter is so cute! He's growing up so fast. When I read that he was wearing Chases old clothes, I instinctively went ahh... I can't believe time goes by so quickly. Enjoy your sweet baby he'll be 7 before you know it.

Lauren August 21, 2008 at 6:44 PM  

How is it possible that he gets so much cuter every day?!