HUGE Update

Wow, where has the time gone?! I keep meaning to update our blog, but for some reason it just hasn't happened. My morning sickness seemed to vanish overnight right before we left for our trip to Seattle, which I'm VERY grateful for. We have an ultrasound in a couple weeks, so hopefully the baby will cooperate and we'll be able to find out what we're having. Carter continues to be a very energetic and happy kid, and we're so excited for him to be a big brother.

And now, TONS of pictures to overwhelm you with, starting with BrickCon 2009:

Ryan rebuilding...a BrickCon tradition.

The awesome set I won.

Ryan participating in the Exoforce Build...he always looks very serious when he builds.

The finished product.

Hanging out with friends

More friends

And more friends

Mark + Ry = <3

Lauren and Brett's visit to Legoland and Sea Life:

On the Coast Cruise

Ryan and I LOVE this ride, but Lauren and Brett weren't big fans. :(

Lauren and Brett on Fairy Tale Brook.

Family picture (kind of) on Fairy Tale Brook.

Lauren and Brett at Sea Life.

Carter and I at Sea Life.

Carter found a friend.

My first belly pictures this pregnancy:

18 weeks


Kiera October 20, 2009 at 5:12 PM  

the costume is so cute. He is so cute! I cant wait to see what baby #2 looks like :)