Caged In

Carter and Daddy in the cage...I think Carter is winning

Carter is the champion! (Poor Daddy)

He must not realize he's trapped

We were at Babies R Us the other night and happened to see this baby gate/cage and decided it would be perfect for protecting our Christmas tree from Carter. Since we haven't put up the Christmas tree yet, we decided to let Carter play in the cage. He's not a very big fan of it unless someone is in there playing with him, but that's ok because it looks like the tree will be going up this week. :)


kbradley November 28, 2009 at 12:08 PM  

We got the super yard when Jordan was that age. It was great for protecting the tree. we also used it at the beach a lot. He could still play in the sand, but not run into the ocean. Which is what he always wanted to do. I miss this age, always trying to out-smart the baby. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!