Baby Pictures and Update

I went to my new doctor last week and she said the baby is doing well and weighs 4 lbs. 2 oz. She doesn't know why I've been getting so many contractions and said that it's probably just Braxton Hicks contractions that sometimes get into a regular pattern for some reason. I'm now on modified bed rest, so I've been able to get out of the house and even go to work for a few hours. Yay!

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound they did at my last appointment.

He had his foot up on his forehead...what a silly boy!

Look at his cute face! Ryan thinks I'm crazy (along with everyone else who's seen this picture) because I think you can see his face really well.

I also went in for a fetal MRI last week so they could get a better look at the baby's brain and it was not a pleasant experience for the baby or me. I had to be on my back for at least 20 minutes (that's how long they said it would be, but I think it was actually longer), which isn't comfortable at all. It was noisy but I wasn't bothered by that; the baby didn't seem to like it too much though because he'd start moving around whenever the sound came on. The worse part was that it just kept getting hotter and hotter in that tube. By the time I was finally able to get out I was sweating and feeling pretty gross. Hopefully they got what they needed because the baby and I don't want to do that again!