Carter's First Beisbol Game

This post is late late late, but you know you're going to read it anyways.


A few weeks ago Katie's dad procured some great Dodger tickets from work, so we all headed over to see them face off against the Houston Astros. Carter would join us for his first ever baseball game!

Grandparents At the ball game

He was wide awake for most of the game, but after a bottle and a diaper change he was out until we left in after the 7th inning (when the Dodgers were down 5-0.)


Every now and then I surprise Katie with a bit of sports knowledge she didn't know I had. On this trip, she discovered that I knew what an RBI was. Go me!


Lauren May 30, 2008 at 3:49 PM  

You know what an RBI is? I smell something...Could it be bull poo? JK