Oh Yeah, the Future

Between classes at school, working 30+ hours a week at my job, a Webelos leader calling I barely have time for, just getting a call to be the Ward Financial Clerk (a calling I held for quite some time during my Singles Ward days,) and trying to spend any amount of time with Katie and Carter, I spend tons of time outside school hours working on my senior project.

The senior project is a music video I am co-producing with two of my classmates, one of whom I was partnered with on the drama we shot together in the summer. The band members we're using for the video are all friends of this co-producer, so we've gotten along really well with them and they've been really accommodating of our project's demands. But the schedule has been very taxing physically and mentally.

The project is due in just under two weeks from today after a semester of work on it, and we still have a ways to go. It's nearly completely shot, just one scene to go, but we need to put a lot of time into editing it together still.

So that's what I've been up to. We've shot almost every weekend, and gotten together one or two nights a week to log the tapes, importing footage into the computer, and otherwise working on the logistics of the project. It's kept me pretty crazy, and I thank Katie and Carter for putting up with me when I'm grouchy after coming home at 3 in the morning.

Here are some photos of the last shoot we did at a theater on campus:


Sebastian, lead singer and songwriter Shooting

You have no idea how badly I'm looking forward to the winter break and having a few weeks reprieve from all of this. I think Katie is looking forward to the vacation as well.
The roughest part of my school schedule is nearly behind me! And then the spring (and final!) semester will start and I'll have an internship to concern myself with. I've done a phone interview with NBC Universal, and should be hearing in 2-3 weeks if I got anything with them. We will of course keep everyone updated here.


Lauren November 19, 2008 at 7:58 PM  

Good luck on the internship...I know you will get it! I selfishly hope you get it, just so you can introduce me to Dwight!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susan November 20, 2008 at 9:38 AM  

Wow sounds like a life of fun new adventures. These are the years you will always remember fondly because when facing all of this "stuff" you draw closer together. Congrats on your new calling and internship. Can't wait to see you all in December

kbradley November 22, 2008 at 1:20 PM  

Will we be able to see the music video on youtube? School is always tough. We are also looking forward to Ken finishing school FOREVER! (although he keeps teasing me that after this he wants to get an MBA!) I hope you get the intership and I'm with BLT on wanting to meet dwight, well maybe Jim instead... Take care and we hope you have a great Thanksgiving.