The LONG Drive Home

I know this is a few weeks old now, but I wanted to finish blogging about our Thanksgiving trip to Utah. Ryan had to get back to work the Monday after Thanksgiving, so we decided we would leave fairly early Sunday morning to give us plenty of time in case there was traffic. Everything started out just fine and we were making really good time.

We saw some snow outside Cedar City.

Carter was having fun entertaining himself.

We stopped in St. George for a very brief visit with a friend and then continued on to Vegas where we had lunch. There hadn't been any traffic and we were really happy that we were over half-way home. Then we got on the other side of Vegas and everything came to a complete stop and we were stuck in major traffic almost the rest of the way home. We had complained about the traffic on the way to Utah, but we soon realized that was nothing compared to the 9 hours it took us to get home from Vegas. And that is why we will NEVER travel the Sunday after Thanksgiving again!

On the bright side, once it got dark the lights from the brake lights ahead of us and the headlights from the cars in the opposite direction reminded us of a big candy cane.

And by some miracle Carter was either happy

or sleeping the whole time.