On February 2nd, 2010 the sixth and final season of Lost airs on ABC. On December 6th, Katie and I decided we would attempt to watch all 5 previous seasons on DVD before the new season begins.
As of December 27th, we're two seasons down, three to go. To recap, it took us 3 weeks to get through 49 hour-long episodes, averaging about 2 episodes a day. In reality, with Katie in LA a couple days a week and other distractions, we haven't watched episodes every day, and we've really done a lot of catching up over Christmas break and on weekends. In fact, we've watched so much lately that we killed our 6-year-old DVD/VHS player, and since we got rid of all our VHS tapes not long ago, the death of the player wasn't too hard on us. A quick trip to WalMart to get a replacement player and we were back on track.
How does this bode for the remainder of our marathon? We've got 54 episodes to go in 5 weeks. We only need to watch an average of an episode and a half per night to make our goal. Barring any emergency hospital trips from false labor, another DVD player death, or any other cataclysmic event... I think we'll be fine :)
12 years ago
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