Baby Belly 2

We'd planned to do these updates often, but never posted again since the first photos in early August. Thought it was a good time to throw an update up (but really I need a break at 1 am working on an essay.)

We've been diligently taking belly photos every week, so here's a batch of recent pics and a comparison to earlier photos.

Week 20

Week 23

Week 28

Week 6 versus Week 28. Wow!


Lauren November 20, 2007 at 5:39 PM  


kbradley November 20, 2007 at 6:53 PM  

Wow! you are ALL baby. You look great! That belly is very impressive. I don't think my belly was ever that defined and no stretch marks! I have so many. Whenever Ken would ask me why some people get them and some don't I would tell him about different skin types and I told him if he ever got pregnant he probably wouldn't get any and I know I know it's true. Hope you are doing better.