Celebrating with the Bakers

Sorry for being so slow with these posts. Christmas was over a week ago and I'm just now getting it blogged. Thought with my time off from school and work I'd have more free time to do this stuff, but other things pushed this down the priority list.

Anyways, on to the good stuff! Since neither of our parents were here for the holidays, my older sister Denise invited us to stay with her family for Christmas. We drove over to their house after work on Christmas Eve day, and spent the night together with all the Bakers. Although we had a really fun time, we felt bad for them because every member of their family except our youngest nephew Luke got sick with some nuclear monster disease virus. It wasn't pretty, and it lasted days, but I think everyone is fine now.

Christmas Eve started with a walk around the lit neighborhood to experience Christmas Magic. Ahhh... Christmas Magic! It's hard to explain, but I think the pictures turned out well enough that you too can experience the wonder:

Click for larger image of tree as seen with Christmas Magic glasses.

On the left, a normal fireplace. On the right, the same fireplace as seen with Christmas Magic

Christmas Magic glasses let you see the mystical aura of the holiday season that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Sure, anyone can see all the lights and decorations and presents, but only these special glasses let the wearer see the pure magic of it all. I don't know where Denise got them, but they made the night special. And dare I say... magical. :)

Early the next morning, after a couple of the kids woke everyone up with their upchuck visits to the bathroom, we got ourselves ready to go downstairs.

Good morning sleepyheads!

The first thing the kids see when they get downstairs is what Santa brought them...

... a Wii! No way! They were so excited!

Santa also tracked down Katie and I, and brought us our gift: the 4th and 5th Harry Potter movies on DVD, which Katie has never seen. Thanks Santa!

That's a huge pile of presents under that tree. Let the gift opening commence!

Luke and Nate

Emily and Megan

Katie got me Mario Galaxy for the Wii (among other things) and I got her some Gilmore Girls dvd sets (among other things) :)

Time for breakfast! (for those of us who weren't throwing up, anyways...)

We got lots of presents from so many people, and this blog would get boring really fast if we posted pictures of them all, but I did want to post the quilt my sister Lauren made for the baby. Cute! Thanks Sissy!

Hope everyone else had as great a Christmas with their families as we did! We love and miss everyone we couldn't spend the holidays with. Thanks everyone for the gifts, and we hope you liked yours, too. :D All of our Christmas 2007 photos can be seen in a set on Flickr by clicking here.