Oh, that reminds me.

Denise's most recent blog post reminded me that I haven't told anyone about my new calling. I was even on the phone with my mom last night and it completely slipped my mind.

I am now a teacher of 8-11 year old boys in the Primary. (Yes, it's a very small ward when all the 8-11 year old boys are in one class. And theres only about 4 of them that come regularly, I've been told.) I co-teach with another brother in the ward.

This is a new one for me. I've done Executive Secretary, Finance Clerk, Elders Quorum presidency, and young men's presidency. I'm noticing a trend where I'm teaching younger and younger age groups...

What's next, Nursery? :)


denise @ little ant design January 10, 2008 at 7:57 AM  

That will be a fun calling - a bit challenging because of the different ages, but still fun. You'll do great.

If Nursery ever happens you'll be glad - it's a pretty sweet gig. You get to sit on the floor, eat snacks for 2 hours, play with toys, color, and not worry about being too quiet. I'm surprised more folks don't want to serve in nursery.