Battlestar Concertica

I'm glad Katie liked the surprise. I wish the night could have gone off without a hitch, but when has that ever happened? Despite the kinks in the plan, the bad luck was balanced out by the good.

Right from the start the fun began when I got on the wrong freeway. Luckily, this is Los Angeles, and every freeway connects to the others in a massive web, and we eventually got ourselves where we needed to be.
Note to self: next time follow the map directions, don't assume you know how to get there.

I assumed I could pay for parking with a credit card. You know what they say about assuming, right? Of course I didn't have cash. Just use a nearby ATM, right? Wrong! My debit card has had problems for over a year, and even though I thought it had been fixed, it hadn't. The ATM was useless. And of course I had told Katie she didn't need to bring her wallet! But luckily a very helpful person was manning the phones at the card service center and set my card straight and we got the money we needed.
Note to self: always carry cash. And make Katie also bring some for good measure.

The concert was supposed to start at 8. But no! The Roxy's doors opened at 8. The opening band didn't come on till 9. By the time the concert ended around 11:30, the standing room only venue had done a number on our knees and backs. Luckily we got out before they finally gave out. Note to self: bring a bottle of Motrin.

Hijinks aside, the concert was really awesome. I love movie and TV scores immensely, and since Battlestar Galactica is one of my favorite shows this concert was pretty much a no-brainer. In addition to the great music, a behind-the-scenes documentary of Battlestar's music was aired, as well as clips of the show with the score played over them. It was a fun change of pace from the usual show viewing, as here the music took center stage instead of being relegated to the background while the dialogue and sound effects played over it.

Here are a couple photo highlights of the night:

Kandyse McClure, an actress from Battlestar, hosted the concert.

Bear McCreary, the show's composer, conducts the band.

This Irish-inspired tune is one of my favorites (ahhh, the heritage running through my veins...)

Drums are a staple element of Battlestar's disctinct sound.

Again, it was an awesome event, and I love that Katie was surprised and enjoyed it. We don't often get to do things that genuinely surprise each other, usually one or the other of us spoils it somehow, but this one played out almost exactly to plan. Yay!


Lauren April 16, 2008 at 7:09 PM  

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Gallactica!

ALWAYS BRING CASH AND MOTRIN AND WATER! Didn't you learn anything from our Aquabats concerts? Wait maybe you only went to one...But still!!!

Don April 16, 2008 at 11:58 PM  

Why the frak can't I live down in LA to catch cool things like this?