The Four C's

What are the four C's? Carter, cereal, carrots, and cars. Carter's been on a new diet in recent weeks. He's been getting a small bowl of rice cereal for his evening meal for a few weeks now, and it took him a few tries to get used to this whole "spoon" thing. He sure seems to love the (semi)solid foods he's getting now, because he lunges at the spoon every time it gets within eyesight.

Going for the gold

More recently, we started him on carrots. Suffice it to say, he loves making a mess out of this meal also.

And finally, the last "C": cars. We bought a new Lego set recently, a neat convertible car that Katie and I wanted. I put it together and then decided to have some playtime with Carter. I thought we would just roll it back and forth a little bit. Carter had other ideas.


Lauren July 24, 2008 at 11:08 AM  

I can't believe he is eating real people food. :(

Combine his messy eating habits with his rockin B.O. and he will make some woman very happy someday!!!!!