BrickCon - Day 3

Day 3 was by far the busiest and best day of the whole con. Before the con, Ryan began a group called ChiefLug (he'll explain more in another post) and the members worked together on creating a Battlestar Galactica display. Well, we decided that we would dress up BSG style. Here are some pictures from our awesome day:

Our BSG attire. For those of you who have not been fortunate enough to see the show, Ryan looks just like one of the main characters, Chief. Chief's wife is Cally, so I decided to try and pull off her look by cutting bangs and dying my hair. I was pretty nervous about the bangs, but I really like them.

The real Chief and Cally. Chief now has short hair, so we brought our clippers with us and I cut Ryan's hair Friday night.

The Blind Build competition. In Blind Build you're not allowed to see the parts you're working with, so everything has to be done by feel. I wasn't going to do it, but they had empty spaces so I thought I'd give it a shot. I think I came in 7th out of 20.

The Blind Build Champion! Ryan finished several minutes before anyone else and only had 13 errors, which isn't very many considering you can't see the different colors.

The Build in a Bag competition. In this competition it's a race to see who can build the set the fastest without taking anything out of the bag.

Ryan did a great job and finished 3rd.

The Speed Build competition. The winner of this competition is the person who assembles the set the fastest, including putting all of the stickers on. It looked like Ryan had the lead for a while, but he ended up being a very close 2nd.

The Master Build competition. This competition was for everyone that participated in the Speed Build competition. They were instructed to disassemble the set they had just been working on and then they were told they had one hour to build something within the theme "animal". The set they were working with was a helicopter, so this required a lot of creativity.

Ryan's winning masterpiece, chosen by Lego designers out of 20 participants. I asked him how he came up with the hummingbird and he said that's what he saw when he looked at the parts. I guess my brain just doesn't work the same as his!

So pretty!

Another night at TS McHughs.

Fun times with friends.


kbradley October 25, 2008 at 3:26 PM  

That humming bird is incredibly impressive. Ken's says his conferences are not nearly as exciting as Lego conferences. No building competitions. Now I get the hair. You should put that last picture next to the picture of the real characters. It looks like you guys had lots of fun.

Speaking of competitions how is the family biggest loser going? Are you guys going to need new clothes for Christmas?